Economic Empowerment Program
Conscious Kenya in partnership with Presta embarked on an education drive to enlighten the youth groups within Viwandani’s 13 informal settlements on how to save and invest through registration of Sacco’s (Savings and Credit Cooperatives or Credit Unions).
Presta Capital Ltd is a fintech that empowers growth of financial institutions in Kenya through innovative software solutions. The exercise involved meeting various youth leaders representing the different villages who were looking to pull the resources they could gather to save with the aim of engaging in future investment opportunities that could improve their livelihoods.
During the seminar, Presta highlighted the importance of automation for purposes of efficiency, security and accountability. Finally, technical support was extended to the youth leaders by means of sharing registration material for credit unions.
As a result, the youth leaders from the 13 villages have successfully registered a credit union. The next action steps will involve Conscious Kenya in partnership with Presta, and the youth leaders planning sensitization campaigns to support the youths within these villages in joining the credit unions to promote a savings and investment culture through consolidation of resources.
Our goal here is to help the youth in Viwandani to become financially independent as they invest in income generating opportunities that can benefit the area. The resources brought in by this united Sacco could see them invest in building clean, safe, affordable and secure housing for its residents. A sustainable source of revenue that benefits their community directly. The Sacco can be an avenue for other multiple income generating businesses in Viwandani.
Please donate to our cause by sending your donation via mpesa to:
PAYBILL: 7462747
ACCOUNT: 11450
ACCOUNT: 11450