Welcome to Conscious Kenya

We are a local NGO based in Nairobi, Kenya. Our focus is on holistic community development projects on peace, the environment and livelihoods.

Engage With Us

Supporting our Local Communities

We adopt a community participatory approach in all our projects. Our communities are key to ensuring success and sustainability in everything we do.

Our founder was inspired to action by the rising challenges of peace, poverty, environmental conservation, and climate change faced by Kenyans. Click the button below to learn more about us and what we do.

Our Programs

Our programs are formulated to accomplish our mission and goals in our targeted communities.

Thriving Health Feeding Project

Provision of healthy porridge to help children live a healthy life and thrive in education.

Green Play Project

Reclaiming playgrounds from illegal dumpsites in Nairobi's informal settlment.

Economic Empowerment Project

Providing an avenue for communities in informal settlements to engage in income generating activities

Help Us Make A Difference

We rely on strong partnerships with CBOs and funding organisation, donations from individuals, grants, foundations and philanthropists to achieve our goals.

Meet Our Board

Our mission will always be guided by our values. We are passionate about our work as we aim to create sustainable projects. Meet the team taking the lead to make a difference.

Dr Fatuma Ahmed Ali


Dr Fatuma is an associate professor of International Relations at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) of the United States International University-Africa (USIU-A).

Antony Koskey


Antony Koskey is the founder and secretary of Conscious Kenya. He is a PhD candidate in International Relations at the United Stated International University-Africa (USIU-A).

Andrew Karanja


Andrew Karanja holds a Masters of Business Administration from Edith Cowan University. He has worked as a banker for 5 years in operations and over 5 years in Risk & Compliance.

Clifford Ogoda

Board Member

Clifford holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) degree from Monash University and has worked as a finacial analyst for credit unions, with 10 years of experience in the field. 

Agufa Semenye

Board Member

Agufa has for the past 12 years worked as a Digital Forensics Specialist, having carried out investigations in both large and small organizations, in the public and private sectors.

Yvonne Githiora

Board Member

Yvonne is a PhD student in the Department of Earth and Climate Sciences and a research fellow on the Future African Savannas (AFAS) project at the University of Nairobi.

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